Longhorn Head Mount — Call for availability.

(5 customer reviews)


1 in stock

SKU: LHT-Mount Category: Brand:


All of our Texas Longhorn Mounts have removable horns for easy hanging and shipping.
When we first started our mounts they had to be shipped by truck at great expense. The removable horns change the maximum size. We now ship UPS in a custom built wooden shipping crate. Shipping costs depend on location.
Colors Vary.
All the steers that we mount are bred, grown, and processed only with beautiful colored faces, wide twisty horns and the most professional workmanship.

The form used for the mount was custom developed from original actual skulls and living animals. This quality of form is not available to other “run-of-the-mill” taxidermists that simply use the mounts available to them from general taxidermy supply catalogs.

Specimen exhibition quality mounts are completed every 30-40 days. Mounts are usually sold within a day or two of completion. If you are interested in obtaining one of our high quality Texas Longhorn Mounts, please contact us to add your name to the list. We will send out a notice of completed mounts with photos, measurements and prices as mounts are delivered from the taxidermist.

This is an example only.
Inventory posted as we get new ones.

Call for availability and price: 740 758-5050

Check out these other Headmount pages:
Happy Client Photos
Headmount Gallery
Ordering Information
Unpacking a Headmount

Additional information

Weight 200 lbs

5 reviews for Longhorn Head Mount — Call for availability.

  1. Jenzer

    We are Interesses for Longhorns head Mount. please send US pictures with amount we have to pay and delivering to switzerland.
    Trank you

    • Staff

      I forwarded this to Darol. He will answer in an email. I think we will have a new one in stock soon. Shipping to Switzerland will require finding a Freight Forwarder. Darol will look into that.


  2. Linda Woolard

    Looking to purchase a Longhorn head for my fireplace within the next couple of months. Please provide a price list so that I may make a decision on whether to purchase or not,

    Thanks so much

    • Staff

      With our head mounts, we have more demand than supply. With the time it takes to raise the steers and the time it takes for the taxidermist to do one, we only have about 8 a year. I will add you to the “headmount list.”

      We however have a lot of nice skulls. I am adding 7 new ones today.

  3. Charlotte Tu

    We have interested in your longhorn head mount, could you send me some photos for review? We are in Taiwan, can you do export for us?

    Thank you.


    • Kirk

      Click on this link. https://head2tail.com/longhorn-trophy-mounts/ There is a photo gallery and happy customer page. The photo gallery has a lot of older mounts on it.

    • Staff

      Sorry, I just saw your message. Not sure about sending to Taiwan, but might be possible. I’ll add you to the notification list. You will get photos and prices of the next mount we have available.

  4. Cheryl Williams

    Please add me to the list for longhorn steer mount. thank you. Where are you located?

    • Kirk

      I added you to the list. We are in Ohio.

  5. Carly Sprouse

    Please add me to the list for a longhorn headmount

    • Staff

      We added you to the list.

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