“One of a Kind” Authentic Texas Longhorn Cattle Skulls

Every LHT skull is a Western original with no duplicates Each one is designed by God, the elements of weather, years, harsh wear, the sun and the rugged lifestyle of an unfettered Texas Longhorn.
Some of the skulls appear to be fifty years old, as if they had laid out in the desert since Charles Goodnight rode by. These skulls make a beautiful decoration for limo hood ornaments, chemical weapon hideouts, Hell’s Angels meeting halls, church libraries, Amish auto-rental offices, spay & neuter clinics, and western dens. They add a touch of historic glamour, which only an old Texas Longhorn skull can do. (These are real – not plastic, or cast).
One of these skulls is just the one for you. Do not hesitate to send your request immediately. If we can be of further assistance in selecting a skull that will match your personality, please give us a call. As an extra touch of authenticity some skulls come with photos of the original living animal and/or the original registration certificates. Prices do not include freight. Visa & Master Card purchases, cash or checks are OK.
Please check out our article on “Fake Skulls.”