This working ranch in the beautiful Appalachian hills, is famous for breeding quality cattle which are sold and transported world wide. (Poland, Canada, Brazil, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Australia, etc.)
Ranch bus tours are conducted April through October by appointment for groups of 10 or more. If you do not have a group you can call and we can coordinate to hook you up with a group. more details here:
We are open Monday – Friday 10AM-5PM. Closed Sundays.
For current details on Longhorns Head To Tail Tours, guided bus tours, call 740-758-5050 at Barnesville, OH. USA. FAX 740-758-5114

Public fee fishing is by appointment. The 11 lakes support tons of fish. Each tour guest will have an opportunity to hand feed and view fish up close.
They are Beautiful.

Always Drive 30 MPH or less on DCCI roads. You never know when a Longhorn herd may have the right of way.

Texas Longhorns winter outside in the Apppalachian Hills at DCCI. They are rugged, healthy, and very disease resistant.

The International All Age Champion Steer of the year 2000 was "Gibralter". His tip-to-tip measurements is 88" at 8 years. Gilbrater is no longer with us. He is grazing God's Front pasture.

Fish have been captured weighing over 12 lbs. Recomended for children weighing 30 lbs. or more. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

DCCI International Champion Texas Longhorn Cow. The DCCI Tour will not only view over 500 beautiful cattle but also International Championship quality - up close and personal.

"The Lonesome Dove" and "The Flowering Polecat" relief
stations have been added to the tour area.
(Polecat is handycap friendly.)

"The Lonesome Dove" and "The Flowering Polecat" relief
stations have been added to the tour area.
(Polecat is handycap friendly.)

Flashy dressed buckaroos do the tour by the hundreds. Sometimes young Longhorns mosey along with the kids.