Horn Stew
by Darol Dickinson

Horn Stew is exactly like the earlier book, Fillet of Horn, except totally different. Horn Stew doesn’t have a semi-load of cattle rustlers and crooks, but replaces them with some bigger-than-life, colorful, business tycoons. These interesting tycoons mostly had certain things in common: the drive-your-wife-crazy chance-taking, the $317 bull that sold for $1,000,000, and such a love for great livestock that multi-millionaires even slept in the barn with their livestock to protect their investments.
Here are short histories about people who loved their cattle and horses way beyond normal sensibility — enough that a level-headed psychotherapist could go bonkers trying to straighten them out. You will find personalities with bold enchantment and die-for devotion to breed extraordinary genetics — folks like Walter Merrick, Carl Miles, Hank Wiescamp, Frank Doherty, Michael Mulberger, and Fennel Brown.
You will picture the excitement of finding semi-coherent, famished swamp cattle with million-dollar genetics — unknowingly wanting to be rescued, become pampered and highly appreciated. Sense the thrill as they are acquired by risk and stealth. Watch them step off your own trailer, at home, forever admired, and soon to be famous.
Watch the inner workings of a conniving Tulsa police detective apply his most devious brilliance to win Quarter Horse Championships at the highest levels.
Watch my dad fulfill his dreams, from a little boy picking cotton on a sharecropper’s farm to breeding and exhibiting a pasture full of World Champions.
Learn to understand the legendary horseman Henry J. Wiescamp, a personal side combined with a business mind of unbelievable depth and chicanery.
In the end, learn the three ingenious common denominators of every great and highly successful livestock producer — by just reading on to the next chapter.
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